In Italy on the 14th of January 2013, the Law n. 4/2013 entered into force. This law regulates the professions not organized in registers or colleges.
This law is certainly fascinating and opens new horizons and awards to those professions, such as the Data Protection Officer (DPO), present and requested from the market, but not recognized nor valued as they should be.
The law constitutes a crucial turning point at national and international level, given the fact that has implications and impact at European level.
ASSO DPO has obtained the inclusion on the list of Professional Associations at the Ministry of Economic Development and can then release, to its members who so request, the Quality Certificate and the Professional Qualification of the Services Provided, as well as insert them in the Professional ASSO DPO Register (Legge 4/2013).
Discover the list of Professional Associations at the Ministry of Economic Development