Choose one of the two ways to apply for membership.
After submitting the form, the Steering Committee will reply within 7 days and in case of acceptance of the registration request a communication will be sent with instructions to pay the registration fee. Only after payment of the fee, registration will be completed.
Members of the Data Protection Officer Association will be able to receive newsletters and actively participate in discussions and in-depth analysis of issues relating to the application of European and Italian legislation on privacy and data protection.
In particular, the Association is aimed at supporting and developing the activity of Data Protection Officers, Privacy Consultants, Data Protection Managers and Chief Privacy Officers, by comparing and exchanging information between members, except in in any case, the autonomy of each in the performance of his duties.
All members will receive the association card, will be able to access the reserved area and participate in the events organized by the association.
In order to allow everyone to join the Data Protection Officer Association, we have provided three different types of members:
The Effective Members are the natural persons who carry out the activity of Data Protection Officer or Experts on the subject of Privacy or Chief Privacy Officer or Privacy Managers or Data Protection Officers, who, appreciating the aims and activities of the Association, register for it share the advantages and benefits, as well as to participate in the life of the association, paying an annual membership fee of € 70.00 and meeting similar requirements of integrity, as established in the Code of Ethics, and experience in Privacy for at least 3 years. The existence of these requirements will be verified by the Steering Committee which will have to approve the registration request in writing. Effective Members – natural persons are given the opportunity to use the brand ASSOCIAZIONE DPO or ASSO DPO, according to the provisions of the specific regulation signed by the member at the time of joining the Association.
Supporting Members are legal persons, through their representative, who have given or can give a valid contribution to the achievement of the aims of the association or who are interested in using the services offered by the association through their activity. The membership fee valid for obtaining the status of Supporting Member is € 190.00 and can be diversified a priori, every year, based on criteria of size (economic volume, number of employees) of the Supporting Member. The status of Supporting Member confers full legitimacy to the participation within the association, but without the possibility of using the brand ASSOCIAZIONE DPO or ASSO DPO, allowed only to Effective Members natural persons. The status of Supporting Member is lost by resignation or non-renewal or by conduct contrary to the Code of Ethics.
Educational Members are natural persons interested in privacy legislation who have not yet gained 3 years of field experience or university students / graduates who wish to undertake a training course through the Association and use the newsletter service. Upon reaching 3 years of experience or enrollment in the Association, Educational Members will automatically pass, after adjusting the quota, to Effective Members. The membership fee valid for obtaining the Educational Member status is € 30.00 The title of Educational Partner confers full legitimacy on participation within the association, but without the possibility of using the ASSOCIAZIONE DPO or ASSO DPO brand, which is allowed only to Effective Members. The quality of Educational Member is lost by resignation or non-renewal or by conduct contrary to the Code of Ethics. All membership fees have a duration of 12 months from the date of registration.