AI Act: main contents of the agreement

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On February 2, 2024, the European Council approved a regulation called the AI Act, which establishes common rules on the use of artificial intelligence in the European Union.

This regulation is the first initiative to ensure that artificial intelligence systems developed and sold in the EU are safe and respect the fundamental rights and values of the Union.

The approach is based on the level of risk: the greater the risk associated with the use of artificial intelligence-based technologies, the stricter the rules will be to minimize negative impacts on people's rights and freedoms.

ASSO DPO's Artificial Intelligence Group has written a paper on this topic:

  • Avv. Alessandro Vasta | ASSO DPO Scientific Committee Coordinator
  • Avv. Vincenzo Diego Cutugno
  • Avv. Gianluigi Riva
  • Dott.ssa Simona Tiribelli
  • Dott. Daniele Panfilo

Click the image to read the paper!

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